March 7th, 2011 - Day 6
There were some crazy clouds rolling through Prescott on Monday, which I immediately thought would make an awesome picture, I find myself actually making time to get a shot, rather than just observing it, and letting it pass. I'm really happy with how it turned out!

There were some crazy clouds rolling through Prescott on Monday, which I immediately thought would make an awesome picture, I find myself actually making time to get a shot, rather than just observing it, and letting it pass. I'm really happy with how it turned out!

March 8th,2011 -Day 7 well, I've made it a week! I'm really enjoying the project thus far, I find that I make little challenges for myself, mostly in dealing with lighting, to actually come up with a solution rather than choosing a different image. This is a picture of the various materials I've collected for my trip (super excited!) I really wanted to give it a old tea stained look, like something worn and aged, I think it really adds to the image. ♥
♥ 7 days down, 358 to go ♥