Friday, July 22, 2011

Fix it Friday

It's Friday! I totally missed last Friday's "Fix it"! Friday just came and went like that, with a big move, school and work, unfortunately life gets away from me sometimes.

This Friday I had to get back into the swing of things, I love that each image has its challenges, and the little details that you fall in love with, and how editing can help bring all that to life.
This is the original image, a little dark but the composition and the solar flare are darling. My goal was to warm it up a bit, draw a little more attention to the subject, while flattering the light that was coming in.

I lightened up the images using Exposure and Levels adjustment Layers. From there I worked on the coloring a bit, using a Blue layer set to "Exclusion", and a Warming filter. Next I wanted to bring out the subject a bit more, so I created a Soft  Light layer, filled in with 50% neutral gray, and used a white brush as a low opacity to bring up the lighting on the boys face. I prefer this to the dodge and burn tool, as it is non destructive, and you have a lot of control over the results. My final touch was clone stamping (On a separate layer!) out the solar flare on the bottom right, then dropped the opacity of that layer. This way the flare was still there very lightly.

Although I did lose some detail in the sky, I am very pleased with this image, it has such a calm summery feel to it, you can almost feel the sunlight on the boys skin as you wonder what has him so deep in thought.
I would love to hear your comments and feedback! How would you go about your Fix it?
Until Next Friday <3
Taylor Jade

Friday, July 8, 2011

Fix it Friday

Another Friday, Another Image!
This week the challenge was to edit this photo taken by  Dana Suggs Photography, I love the texture in it, wondering if I can find a local like this around here... lol
Any who, I decided to do two edits today, I've been on a bit of an editing kick lately trying to polish my skills
This is the first one I did, I cropped in a little closer to the subject, adjusted the colors using a Curve layer, and ran "Sugar and Cream" from the BEE-SWEET Action pack by Quick Click Design Actions & Templates for Photographers.
 From there I tweaked the action a bit, added a Vignette using another curves layer, and called it good <3 

For my second image I cropped in a bit closer. Playing around a bit I first added a Black and White layer, and dropped down the opacity, The I added a blue exclusion layer, dropped that to about 13%. At this point the image was a little bland as you can imagine, so I played around with my color balance, adjusted my levels to add a little bit of contrast, and finished it with another Vignette.

This is a little bit different from my typical editing style, I've been trying new things lately, and although they don't always work out, It's always a learning experience.
Until next Friday! 
<3 Taylor Jade

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Red White and Blue

This week's theme for the I Heart Faces challenge was Red White and Blue in honor of the 4th.
I chose to share the following two photos

This woman is incredibly strong, and about as supportive of the troops as you can get, she married one.
 I am so thankful that I had the chance to shoot with her, she is such a doll. My heart goes out to her and her husband, as well as all of  the men and women fighting for us, my deepest thanks
<3 Taylor

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Good Times with a Good Friend

This past week I had the wonderful opportunity to do a shoot with a close friend. 
Vinnie and I met our Senior year of High School, and although we don't get to see each other that often, we've been friends ever sinceNo matter how long it's been since we've seen or heard from each other, and sometimes we go months,  I know I could go to him with anything.  
Doing a shoot with a friend  is a blast! We seriously joked  and talked the entire time, it was just like we were hanging out. This guy is one heck of a model too! He'll try to tell you otherwise, but put him in front of the camera and he immediately seems relaxed and comfortable. 
Vinnie, I couldn't ask for a better subject, or friend, You're the best! Thank you so much!
<3 Taylor Jade

Friday, July 1, 2011

Fix it Friday

It's Friday! This week just flew by! I didn't even realize what day it was until I saw the update for the weekly
 I Heart Faces Fix it Friday.

This is the Straight out of camera shot

and this is my edit

I do all my editing in Camera Raw and Photoshop CS5
I chose to crop in a little closer to the subjects, warm the photo up a bit with a photo filter and a dark blue layer set as "Exclusion". I also felt this image need a little something more, so I added a lens flare. Typically I'm not a big fan of using Photoshop for lens flares, I prefer to capture them myself, but overall I was pretty pleased with the effect it gave this image.

I am loving Fix it Fridays! Let me know what you think!  

Thursday, June 30, 2011

My Treasure Chest

I've always been a fan of "Old" things. Vintage, Antique, or just a little worn, I love it all. So as you can imagine, I fell in love with this trunk at first site. 

Isn't it beautiful! The woman who sold it to me said it was her son's toy box for years, filled with He-man and Ninja Turtles. You know this thing has been loved.  lol

I think that's what draws me to things that are a little rough around the edges, they have stories and character, and that's not something you can buy at the mall, trust me I've looked.

I'm so excited to have this beautiful piece home with me. I love all of its scuffs and marks. 
Every detail about it is intriguing and wonderful. 
 I look forward to adding to its stories and character as it will add to mine <3

I collect antiques. Why? Because they're beautiful.
Broderick Crawford 

Monday, June 27, 2011

A Touch of Whimsy

I Heart Faces is having their weekly photo contest, and this weeks theme is Whimsical.

I love everything about this photo, the lighting, makeup, and of course it's Whimsy! <3
Head over to I <3 Faces and check out my entry along with the others!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Fix it Friday

I recently joined an online photo-community, I Heart Faces, and I am super excited about it!
One of the things the do is a weekly "Fix it Friday" where they post a photo and have everyone take a shot at editing it. Its a fun way to share editing techniques, and see how everyone approaches a photo in a different way.

This is the original photo for this week, what a cute little girl!

This is my final edit, I chose to go for a bit of an aged look to the photo, feeling that it fit with the wardrobe as well as my style. 
For any fellow photographers I definitely would recommend checking out I Heart Faces, you have the opportunity to connect with other photographers and take part in fun activities, who doesn't like that! 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

365 Project- Day 6 and 7

March 7th, 2011 - Day 6
There were some crazy clouds rolling through Prescott on Monday, which I immediately thought would make an awesome picture, I find myself actually making time to get a shot, rather than just observing it, and letting it pass. I'm really happy with how it turned out!

March 8th,2011 -Day 7 well, I've made it a week! I'm really enjoying the project thus far, I find that I make little challenges for myself, mostly in dealing with lighting, to actually come up with a solution rather than choosing a different image. This is a picture of the various materials I've collected for my trip (super excited!) I really wanted to give it a old tea stained look, like something worn and aged, I think it really adds to the image. ♥

♥ 7 days down, 358 to go ♥

Sunday, March 6, 2011

365 Project- Day 5

The majority of my day was spent bumming around the house, working on various projects. It's not often that I get to do this, and its honestly one of my favorite things to do. There's something so about hanging out in your sweats that is just so cozy and refreshing, it makes everything else seem a little easier. ♥

♥5 days down, 360 to go♥ 

WWII Romance

As mentioned in a previous post, I had an amazing opportunity to shoot a WWII themed session this weekend. This is something I have been wanting to do for awhile, and I am SO in love with how they turned out.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

365 Project- Day Three and Four

I didn't forget I promise! Yesterday I had the opportunity to do an AMAZING shoot, and thus spent my evening processing and gushing about how phenomenal it was. Since deciding to pursue photography as a career some truly amazing things have come my way, I feel so incredibly blessed.  So here is day three, one of the many pictures I snapped during yesterdays shoot (don't worry, I'll put up more)  

Todays picture is pretty much a staple in my life- my coffee. I would probably die without it, especially this weekend, in the midst of two incredible sessions, school, and work,  I'm also attempting to pack for my trip to London and Paris, for which I'm leaving on Thursday. The excitement is overwhelming, and coffee is going to be the key to making it all happen. lol

4 days down, 361 to go <3

Friday, March 4, 2011

What Once Was

I have a little bit of an obsession with abandoned buildings and ghost towns, they have such a unique beauty. This location is one that Jenn and I found, with some help, and I couldn't be more excited. I love everything about this place, it isn't shiny, or modern, its is old, worn down, and magnificent.