I've always been a fan of "Old" things. Vintage, Antique, or just a little worn, I love it all. So as you can imagine, I fell in love with this trunk at first site.
Isn't it beautiful! The woman who sold it to me said it was her son's toy box for years, filled with He-man and Ninja Turtles. You know this thing has been loved. lol
I think that's what draws me to things that are a little rough around the edges, they have stories and character, and that's not something you can buy at the mall, trust me I've looked.
I'm so excited to have this beautiful piece home with me. I love all of its scuffs and marks.
Every detail about it is intriguing and wonderful.
I look forward to adding to its stories and character as it will add to mine <3
I collect antiques. Why? Because they're beautiful.
Broderick Crawford